e: clerk@braughing.org.uk

1.5 Local activities

Events for elderly/disabled/lonely

In order to provide more activities for residents, particularly those who are elderly, disabled or isolated, we are intending to arrange additional regular activities including occasional coffee morning, soup lunches and art sessions.

If you would like to help with this sort of activity by providing transport to/from the venue, helping with the catering or assisting with the activity itself, please contact Tricia Lilley here>>>

Village tidies

A regular Village Tidy takes place once a month on the 2ndSunday of each month, meeting at Grove Barn, Green End (opposite the post office) at 10:30am. This mainly entails collecting litter from the roadsides around Braughing but could also include clearing debris and other rubbish from the river Quin. High visibility jackets, gloves and litter pickers will be provided.

If you would like to help with this, please contact Councillor Ruth Fleetwood here>>>

Home visits to elderly/disabled/lonely

If you would like to volunteer to do regular visits to local residents, please contact Councillor Ruth Fleetwood here>>>


This is about doing what you can to help those who live near you and can take many forms. Some questions to ask yourself to see if you can help more:

  • Have you considered doing shopping for an elderly neighbour when you do your own?
  • Does the disabled man or woman in your road need occasional help with their garden?
  • Would the recently-bereaved woman or man in your street appreciate some company or any other help?
  • Could you offer to take someone along when you go to a village event such as the village walk, PC meeting or Braughing Society meeting (bring a buddy)?