e: clerk@braughing.org.uk

Braughing LIFE

Latest Edition

About Braughing LIFE

Welcome to the community magazine Braughing LIFE which is delivered, free of charge, to every household in the parish thanks to our Parish Council. 

Ideally we would like to include contributions from every club and society in each issue, as well as copy from individuals of interest to our community.  This is your magazine, so get involved and make it happen. Any comments on this edition would be welcome.

And do you fancy a photo you have taken on the front cover?  We will be looking for a different photograph for each issue, which typifies the months the magazine covers.  The successful contributors will be credited.  Photographs should be portrait and submitted as a 300dpi JPEG or TIFF.

Contact Braughing LIFE

Braughing LIFE is a bi-monthly, dynamic magazine.  If you are inspired by this venture and would like to become involved on a voluntary basis, please email  here >>>

  • To submit an article or enquire about doing so please click here >>>
  • To enquire about advertising space, specifications and costs please click here >>>