Hertfordshire County Council is the responsible authority for roads and pavements in Herfordshire. This includes repairs and maintenance of:
- roads, cycle paths and potholes,
- trees, hedges, weeds and grass,
- flooding and drainage,
- lighting and traffic lights,
- pavements and verges,
- public rights of way,
- street signs,
- fencing, bollards and posts.
To report an issue visit Hertfordshire County Council website: here >>>
Your point of contact for Herfordshire County Council Highways is Cllr. Jeff Jones: Jeff.Jones@hertfordshire.gov.uk
Braughing Parish Council monitors, keeps track of and raises highway faults and issues within the Parish area to the County Council
Your point of contact for Braughing Parish Council is Cllr. Andy Ayres: aayres@braughing.org.uk
Highways Enforcement
Hertfordshire Constabulary is the responsible authority for enforcement of traffic laws.
What can you do if you see illegal driving behaviour in Hertfordshire? You make a road traffic incident report here >>>
Reporting a driving offence
To give the best chance at taking action against an offender:
- make the report within 7 days of the incident
- give as much detail as you can
- provide good-quality video or photos of the incident (or have an independent witness)
- be willing to attend court
Video or photo evidence
To give the best chance of taking further action your evidence should:
- show the entire incident
- show a full vehicle registration number (or partial number if a collision)
- not contradict the information you give in your report
It’s important to note that:
- you need to keep the original video or photos for 12 months
- if you have shared your evidence online or on social media, remove it immediately
- if your evidence shows you committed an offence you may be prosecuted, as well (for example, driving while using a mobile phone)