e: clerk@braughing.org.uk

Braughing Local History Society

About Braughing Local History Society

The Braughing Local History Society aims to gather information and research into the lives of local people, their experiences and changes in the environment. It also aims to disseminate this information to enable interested parties to extend their knowledge and understanding through meetings, articles and publications.

The Society was first formed in the 1970’s, but lapsed in the 1980’s. It was revived in 1998 after an oral history course was held in Braughing, organised by the University of Cambridge, Board of Continuing Education. Local people attending the course generated many hours of information, recorded on audio cassette tapes at the time, about the village and the people who live here.

The Local History Society continues to record local people talking about their lives and knowledge of the area. ‘No Washing Machines Then’, published in 2004, relates people’s stories and memories before the Second World War. It is illustrated with many photographs.

For further information about current publications, please see the Local History Publications section.

We have an ever growing archive of material donated to the Society, including photographs, letters, books, magazines and personal memorabilia from those with connections to the village. We are always looking for more information about our unique village and environment. If you can help in any way or are interested in joining the Society, come along to one of our meetings or please click here.

Braughing Local History Society organises an interesting range of events throughout the year. Meetings and events are advertised in 'Braughing Life', on village noticeboards and on social media.

History of Braughing

You can read a full and comprehensive history of Braughing here >>> courtesy of British English History.