Welcome to the lovely walks around Braughing
Braughing Parish spans the Quin valley and is crossed by a large number of footpaths, byways and bridle paths. The Parish Paths Group, which is a sub-committee of the Parish Council, in partnership with the County rights of Way Officer, have worked hard to ensure the paths are kept clear and open so that everyone can enjoy our lovely countryside.
The parish is a stronghold for many threatened farmland birds - such as Yellowhammers and Corn Buntings - and is an important wintering site for migrant birds like Fieldfares, Redwings and Golden Plovers. There are frequent sightings of Fallow, Roe and Muntjac Deer together with Badgers and Hares. In spring and summer the paths are covered in wildflowers including orchids, and these in turn attract butterflies and moths. In autumn the paths are dripping in fruit which is irresistible to many species of birds and animals.
The Parish Paths Group has produced a downloadable map showing 4 local walks which all start and finish in the Village Square and range in distance from 4 to 9 kilometers. Additionally, the Parish Paths Group lead a walk on the first Sunday of the month. The walks last about 2 hours and cover 5-6 miles. We aim to cover all the paths in the parish at some stage in the year. We meet in the Village Square and depart promptly as the church clock strikes 2.00. In the winter months of December and January we start at 1.30 because of the failing light. For much of the year you can enjoy tea and cake in the Village Hall on your return. Everyone is welcome to join us including well behaved dogs and children who can manage the distance.