e: clerk@braughing.org.uk

What Braughing Parish Council can do

Braughing Parish Council has an input into local planning matters, community safety, allotments, playing fields, community centres, seats, bus shelters and rights of way. We also work closely with the Highways Department to try and resolve any highway issues.

A summary of powers granted to Parish Councils can be found below. The table is a summary of the main functions of a Parish Council only; it is not intended to be a definitive list of all functions.

Like all powers given to public bodies, the powers of local Councils are defined in detail in legislation and these details may include a requirement to obtain the consent of another body (for example the approval of the County Council for the provision of a car park). Local Councils must exercise their powers also subject to the provisions of the general law (for example planning permission is necessary for a sports pavilion).

Parish Councils have the power to precept (tax) their residents to support their operations and to carry out local projects. Although there is no limit to the amount that can be precepted, the money can only be raised for a limited number of purposes, defined in the 1894 Act and subsequent legislation.

Read more about Powers and Duties of Parish Councils here >>>