e: clerk@braughing.org.uk

East Hertfordshire Aviation Society

We are a flourishing aviation society that in 2022 celebrated 25 years since formation. Beginning as the Braughing Aviation Society, the more inclusive and appropriate title of the East Hertfordshire Aviation Society was adopted in 2017 to recognise that those who attend come from way beyond the village where it started. 

Instrumental at the start in 1997 was the late Len Howett who went on to become life president. A member of the Glider Pilot Regiment in World War 2 and with a deep-rooted interest in all aspects of aviation, Len originated the idea of a village society that provided a meeting point and forum for anyone who shared his interest. That philosophy continues to be the blueprint for the Society’s successful continuation.

Over the years, membership of the Society has grown steadily to the point where more than 100 people each month receive email notice of the Society’s forthcoming talks and other activities. During the year a number of visits are made to places of aviation interest, details of which are also advised by email.

Our members, male and female, come from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds. Those with aviation somewhere in their personal or professional lives include ex-Service personnel, commercial and private pilots, engineers, historians, and journalists. An aviation background, though, is by no means a condition of membership. The common bond is an enthusiasm for the subject, however general. 

Monthly meetings 

Meetings, usually on the last Monday of each month, almost invariably feature a guest speaker and are held monthly throughout the year, apart from a break during August and again over Christmas/New Year. 

Such is the reputation that the Society enjoys that some of our guest speakers have returned several times – and also become members! Occasionally, our own members present on aspects of aviation on which they are expert.

Our talks and visits schedule through to end November 2024 is as


  • 30th September'In the slipstream of Alcock and Brown'

Robin Evans shows original archive documents over a century old.

  • 28th October - 'The history of RAF/UASF Brentwaters'

Simon Gladas presents a detailed account of the development and utilisation of this famous base.

  • 25th November - 'The Cuban Missile Crisis'

Vic Flintham describes the crisis which is widely considered the closest the world has come to a full-scale nuclear war.

There is no meeting in December so meetings will recommence, following the Christmas break, in January 2025.

Society meetings are held at Church Hall, Braughing, starting at 20.00.

The Brown Bear at 14 The Street, Braughing, SG11 2QR, is now under new management and keen to welcome us on meeting evenings, beginning 29th January. It has the kind of traditional pub food menu to which we are used and a selection of ales and lagers. It also has a large car park at the rear for which those eating / drinking beforehand are able to use for the entire evening.

The Brown Bear to the Church Hall is no more than a three minute walk, making it ideal for those who like to socialise from the traditional 6.30 pm onwards.

We really do welcome new faces, so if you would like to find out more and also add your name to our information distribution list, please email the Society’s secretary   here >>>