Chris Ford
Contact details
Lead responsibilities
- Chair
- Liaison with EHDC
- HCC and other parish councils
- Planning
Ruth Fleetwood
- Community & Wellbeing
- Finance & Audit
- Good neighbourhood liaison
- Neighbourhood plan lead
John Dresner
- Data Protection
- Risk management
- Litter & Dog bins
- Sustainable Living Club Liaison
Portfolio Descriptions
Planning – reviewing all planning applications, drafting responses and attendance at planning forums
Community – wellbeing, social activities (coffee mornings, shed clubs and so on), Good Neighbour Watch, school liaison, allotments, adult gym, playground, orchard and Fleece Lane Memorial Garden
Maintenance – grass/hedge cutting, equipment upkeep, street lighting, bridleways and footpaths, maintenance of physical assets (for example, benches, noticeboards, bridges) and Pentlows Meadow, plus asset register maintenance
Environment – litter, recycling, dog fouling, nature, environmental initiatives
Safety – police liaison including major incident planning and neighbourhood watch. Also includes defibrillators, parish risk assessments and playground safety inspections
Highways – liaison with Highways and Herts County Council regarding road and pavement maintenance, drains and speeding
Communications – includes social media, website content, email, noticeboards, Zoom and surveys
Finance – management of finances and liaison with auditors. Also includes grant applications – to and from the PC
Greener Braughing lead – managing a team of volunteers responsible for green initiatives in the parish. This will probably include liaison with Jenyns eco-committee
Neighbourhood plan lead – managing future changes to the Neighbourhood Plan, which needs to be reviewed approximately every five years
IT Administration - management of Website, Email and Data storage