e: clerk@braughing.org.uk


Braughing Parish Council has carried out this extensive piece of work when it was advised that a substantial element of the community believed that installation of adult gym equipment near the playground was a child safeguarding risk. 

However, it quickly became apparent as further information was supplied that the Parish Council was in breach of its lease agreement as it was advised up to 40 cars were parked on this land on Cricket match days and that allotment holders were driving from the designated temporary car parking area which the Parish Council does not have permission to allow under the lease agreement. Parents are parking close to the playground, and people are bringing dogs to be exercised on the area in cars, neither of which are allowed in the lease. 

The Parish Council has worked extremely hard to assess the health and safety, and child safeguarding risks associated with all of these elements, and will contact the landlord to seek resolution to at least some of the issues. The Parish Council is reliant on the agreement of the landowner to the changes it has requested. 

Whilst this may be unpalatable to some residents, your forbearance is requested as the Parish Council undertakes delicate negotiations on behalf of the whole community. 

It must further be noted that Parish Councillors are volunteers who represent the community – please do not express your displeasure regarding any aspect of the document or the processes the Parish Council has been forced to take, to Councillors, in a manner which may be deemed aggressive, bullying or harassment.  

  • BPC Adult Gym Equipment Risk & Mitigation - please click here >>> for the full report
  • RoSPA Safety Report - please click here >>> for the full report on the leasehold land off Longmans, Braughing
  • Leased Land public consultation 12 October 2021 please click here >>>

Apology to Ms Belinda Irons 
Clerk to Braughing Parish Council

Dear Belinda (Braughing Parish Council Clerk)

The Braughing Parish Council apologies for not locking the gate to the lease land last year (2021), which led to an unreasonable altercation with an allotment holder who was trying to access the facility with a car whilst you were on site. 

Had the gate been locked, the allotment holder would not have been able to access the facility and the altercation would have never occurred. 

We recognise that this has caused personal stress and anxiety and for this the Parish Council is truly sorry. 

Actions have been taken to address the situation with the allotment holder and they have provided a written apology which you have received. 

Discussions have taken place with the Councillors responsible for locking the gate and managing the lease land facility to make sure that this situation does not occur in the future. They are now very aware of their responsibilities in controlling access to the lease land facility.  

Your sincerely, 

Chris Ford
Braughing Parish Council 14th January 2022