e: clerk@braughing.org.uk

REFERENDUM - the results are in...

Dear residents, I am very pleased to announce that the result of the referendum that took place on Thursday 26 July was a resounding YES. Nearly 39% of those residents on the electoral register turned out to vote, which is very good. 

Total votes counted - 399
Vote YES – 327 (81.95%)
Vote NO – 72 (18.05%)

This is an excellent result for the people of Braughing. 

Now the Neighbourhood Plan has succeeded at referendum, there is now only one more step to go before it becomes planning policy. The Neighbourhood Plan will be presented to a meeting of the East Herts Council. The Council will be recommended to adopt the plan enabling it to be used when considering all planning applications in this parish alongside district and national planning policies.

Thank you so much to everyone who voted YES. 

Yours sincerely,

Cllr Peter Boylan Chairman
Braughing Parish Council

The Final Version

To view the final version of the Neighbourhood Plan please click here >>>

To view the examiners report please click here >>>